Motor Pool Reports

Report Title

Report Description


Use Case Scenario

Checked Out Reservations

This report is meant to give a look at the data for reservations that have at a check out date (could be currently checked out or the reservation could be completed). This has a total of cost, meters driven, and days rented (uses current day if reservation is marked as ‘Checked Out’).

Reports >

RTA Standard Reports >

Motor Pool >

Checked Out Reservations

  • Monitor vehicles that are checked out and if they are past their estimated return date

  • Automate report to be emailed to motor pool administrator for tracking on vehicles that are not at the facility

Completed Reservation

This report is meant to give a look at the data for reservations that have been completed (checked out and checked back in). This has a total of cost, meters driven, and days rented. Also contains option to view vehicle, facility, and report totals.

Reports >

RTA Standard Reports >

Motor Pool >

Completed Reservations

  • See totals for mileage driven, days rented, and costs incurred over a specified date period

  • View high level usage of each vehicle’s life while in the motor pool

  • Justify motor pool assets through utilization of said assets

Cost Breakdown by Facility and Department

This report provides a list of all the amounts of all of the costs that could be associated with a motor pool reservation. The report filters bring in vehicles that have filled in return date, meaning the vehicle reservation is completed and costs should be finalized, as well as pull in reservations that have been cancelled and have a cancellation fee.

Reports >

RTA Standard Reports >

Motor Pool >

Cost Breakdown by Facility and Department

  • Calculate the motor pool costs/fees (by individual costs or total) per facility and/or department over a range of dates

  • Identify deleted transactions and if there were any costs associated with them

  • Use alongside billing for motor pool costs

Upcoming Reservations

This report is to view any upcoming reservations (and associated data) for a specific date range.

Reports >

RTA Standard Reports >

Motor Pool >

Upcoming Reservations

  • Useful for the motor pool administrator for planning purposes

  • Identify any missing data prior to vehicle check out

  • Identify any potential overlaps in reservation dates and times