Custom Field Report Example

The purpose of this page is to provide detail on how report on Class and Vehicle Custom Fields that are linked to specific vehicles within Fleet360

To report on udf fields assigned to a vehicle within Fleet360, you will need the following Categories:

  • Vehicles > Vehicle

  • Global Data Fields > udfVehicle

To demonstrate the process, let’s walk through a simple example using the car in the screenshot below:


I have Spark Plugs as a class custom field and Exterior Color, ENG SERIAL #, and Trim in the Vehicle specific custom field. All the custom fields will be drawn from Vehicles > udfVehicle

I will set up an Advanced Report to demonstrate how to report on this data:


The following fields are included in the screenshot above:

  • Vehicle – This is the vehicle number

  • Category – This is character value that represents the category of custom field this originated from

    • ‘C’ for Class

    • ‘V’ for Vehicle

  • Description – This is the name of the custom field

  • Value – This is the chosen value for this field

After we run the report, we will get the following results:
