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Purchase Order File History Tab

The idea behind this tab is to provide the users with some quick information about previous POs that were received by the vendor and their costs.

Use this tab to drive pricing decisions for the future as well as to review past purchases

There are two panels found in the History Tab.

Refer to Master List Functions TOC for more information regarding how to search, customize, and export the lists in each panel.

Approval History

Refer to PO Approvals for more information on the approval process.

Use this panel to view the approval history of the PO including:

  • The status of the PO

  • The date of that recorded status

  • The time of that recorded status

  • The User associated with that status

  • Comments entered for the status

Purchase Order History by Vendor

Purchase Order History by Vendor will display the various PO numbers and dates for orders to the vendor over time.

In addition, see purchase order cost totals, total parts ordered, and the number of unique parts on order.