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Top 5 Reports Dashboard

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Vehicle Audit

Cost by Transaction Catergory

Capital versus Operational

Capital is fixed asset cost (depreciation, insurance, and registration), Operational is fuel, maintenance and repair, washes, and outside maintenance and repiar

Total Cost by Operational Versus Capital

Total Cost by In house Versus Outside Operational Versus Capital

In House versus Outside Maintenance and Repair

Total Cost by Transaction Catergory

Vehicle Audit Report by Customer

Line item cost by asset assigned to Customers

Vehicle Audit Report by Department

Line item cost by asset assigned to Departments

Repair History (VMRS History)

Repair history by VMRS code gives great insight into shop operations and where cost are going

Replacement Scoring (Priority)

Replacement Scoring Report is a great tool to look at asset replacement as a scored priority list. The report has five columns that max at 5 points each for a total max of 25 points.

PO Transactions

Can be filtered by Received Date, Part Number/ Name, Vendor Name, or Invoice Number

PO Transaction Totals

PO Transaction Total Cost

Blue Line On Chart

PO Total Quanity of Parts

Green Line on Chart

Fuel by Class Code

Fuel by Class Code

Fuel Cost by Class Code

Miles Traveled by Class Code

Fuel by Department

Fuel by Department

Fuel Cost by Department

Miles Traveled by Department

Fuel by Customer

Fuel by Department

Fuel Cost by Customer

Miles Traveled by Customer