Repair History Totals by VMRS

Summary/Use Case

Report Summary

The Repair History Totals by VMRS report provides a comprehensive summary of repair costs, categorized by VMRS codes, including labor hours, labor cost, parts cost, and total cost per repair type. Fleet managers can utilize this report to track repair expenses and identify high-cost areas across different facilities, aiding in cost control and maintenance efficiency.

Use Case

  • Evaluate repair costs associated with specific VMRS codes to assess common repair needs.

  • Track labor hours and labor costs for budgeting and resource allocation.

  • Identify high-cost repairs and parts usage trends for maintenance planning.

  • Compare repair costs across facilities to spot operational inefficiencies.

  • Use the data to forecast future maintenance expenses based on historical trends.

Location: Where to Find It

Reports > RTA Standard Reports > Work Order > Repair History Totals by VMRS


Data Filter Prompts

You will be prompted for filtering of the Data to specify and narrow down the data that will be pulled. See Data Filter List Below for Options.


Data Filter List

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Default)


Is Between

1 - 99999

1 - 1


Is Between

blank - zzzzzzz

blank - zzzzzzz


Is Between

Any Date Range

First Day of Current Month - Current Day

Major VMRS Code

Is Between

0 - 999

0 - 999

Report Output and Data Elements

Report Output

Upon running the "Repair History Totals by VMRS" report, users will see a breakdown of repair costs sorted by VMRS code. This includes detailed columns for labor hours, labor cost, parts cost, and total cost. Totals for labor hours, labor cost, and parts cost are provided at the facility level, enabling a quick assessment of total repair costs by facility.


Report Data Elements

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes



The repair code categorized by VMRS



Number of repairs completed under each VMRS code


Labor Hrs

Total labor hours attributed to the repair activity


Labor Cost

Total cost incurred for labor


Parts Cost

Total cost of parts used in the repair


Total Cost

Combined cost of labor and parts



Percentage contribution of the repair cost to total