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Fuel - Process EFI

The process routine takes the loaded EFI data and updates the data in RTA—just as if the fuel tickets had been entered into the RTA system manually. The difference is that instead of taking a few hours, hundreds of transactions can be processed in only a few minutes! As long as there are no problems with the transactions processed, the vehicle meter reading, fuel usage, and fuel cost will be updated.

This is the last time that a user will be able to update or delete transactions from the load before they affect data in real time.

  1. Select Fuel > Process EFI from the side bar - this screen defaults automatically after doing the load and review exceptions actions in rapid succession

  2. Optional: Select the ‘Filter by: Last Known Upload’ and select the dates you wish to process

  3. Select Process and a prompt will appear

  4. Select Process again to complete the process.

Once the EFI transactions are processed, be sure to review them for any process errors.

Read the chart below to view the errors


What it means

What to do

Vehicle Not Found

The Vehicle Number or Card Number coming from the Fuel System Does not match an RTA Asset Number or Cross Reference Number

Three General Fixes:

  • Vehicle has not been Officially Added (Fix: simply add the new record)

  • There is no Cross Reference added to the Vehicle Record if using Cross Reference (Fix: Add the Cross reference in to the Asset file)

  • Vehicle has been Moved to another facility (Fix: move the Vehicle Back or Update the Cross Reference for New Facility)

Inconsistent Fuel Type

The Fuel Transaction Fuel Type Does not match the Primary Fuel Type set in the Asset Record

If you did not initially set the Fuel Type in the Asset File then set it. See Setting the Fuel Type from the Fluids Panel in the Asset File

Fuel quantity greater than tank capacity

The Fuel Transaction has a greater fuel quantity then the Vehicle can physically hold (Tank Size)

If the Asset did not have a tank capacity setup initially you will want to do this first. See Setting the Tank Capacity from the Fluids Panel in the Asset File

OR There may be truly be an issue with the Fuel Transaction

Meter exceeds allowable mileage limit

The Miles/Hours/Kilometers traveled for the Fuel Transaction Exceeds the “Maximum” Factor (Typically set behind the scenes to 3X) based on the Expected Average MPG Set in the Asset File

First if the Asset was not set with a suggested Average MPG then you will want to make sure you have a good number in each Asset Record. Setting the Average MPG from the Fluids Panel in the Asset File

This also may reflect an odometer issue in the Fuel Transaction itself or an Odometer issue in the Asset File

Mileage high for average mileage

The Miles/Hours/Kilometers traveled for the Fuel Transaction Exceeds the “High” Mileage Factor (Typically set behind the scenes to 1.5X) based on the Expected Average MPG Set in the Asset File

First if the Asset was not set with a suggested Average MPG then you will want to make sure you have a good number in each Asset Record. Setting the Average MPG from the Fluids Panel in the Asset File

This also may reflect an odometer issue in the Fuel Transaction itself

Mileage Low for average mileage

The Miles/Hours/Kilometers Odometer Reading coming in from the Fuel Transaction is less then the current Fuel Meter Reading in the Asset File.

This is usually indicative of a Fuel File loaded out of sequence. For Example Loading Wednesday Fuel file before loading Monday’s of the same week. The Wednesday readings have already updated. Thus pulling Mondays fuel at lower readings would throw these exceptions.

OR again is could be an Odometer issue either in the Asset File or the Fuel Transaction File