Report Options

The following options are available in the General Options window:

General Options

  • Allow Execution in Viewer: Allow or prevent the report from being run in the Report Viewer.

  • Include Setup Info: Select Top or Bottom to display the data categories, sorts, and filters at either the beginning or end of the report.

  • Allowed Export Types: Enable or disable output types for the report.

  • Default Export Type: Specify the default output type for the report.

  • Report Tree Shortcut: Specify whether the Run icon for the report in the report tree runs the report in the Report Viewer or exports it in the default output type.

  • Filter Execution Window: Select which type of Filter menu displays when running the report with prompting filters:

    • Default – Display the default type of filter execution window.

    • Standard – Display the standard filter execution window.

    • Simple with Operator – Display a simplified filter execution window that only allows the operator and value to be changed.

    • Simple without Operator – Display a simplified filter window that only allows the filter value to be changed.

  • Always Show Filters in Report Viewer: Show the filter menu and allow changes to be made every time the report is run.

  • No Data Qualify Display Mode: Select what to display if no data qualifies for the report.

    • Show Message – Display the standard no data qualified message.

    • Show Report – Display the Page Header, Page Footer, Report Header, and Report Footer sections of the report. Any cells containing Data Fields will not be displayed.

Excel Options

  • Suppress Formatting: Export only the report data to Excel, without the formatting.

  • Show Grid: Show grid lines between cells in Excel output.

  • Freeze Rows: Freeze the top number of rows when exporting to Excel, so that the rows stay anchored to the screen when scrolling through the report.

  • Freeze Columns: Freeze the left number of columns when exporting to Excel, so that the columns stay anchored to the screen when scrolling through the report.

Page Options

  • Page Size: Select the page size of the report output. The following page sizes are available:

    Letter, Legal, Executive, Ledger, Tabloid, A0-5, B0-5

  • Page Orientation: Specify whether the report runs in Portrait or Landscape orientation.

  • Fit to Page Width: Fit the width of the report to the width of the page.

Report Viewer Options

The following options are available in the Report Viewer Options window:


  • Show Grid: Show or hide grid lines.

  • Simulate PDF: Have the report appear as if it was on a page.

  • Allow Hide/Show Columns in Report Viewer: Enable or disable the ability to hide columns.

Note: Setting the Enable Paging in Report Viewer setting in the Admin Console to False restricts the interactive HTML hide/show column option.

  • Show Toolbar in Report Viewer: Select whether to show or hide the interactive toolbar in the Report Viewer.

  • Report Row Step Limit: Override the default step size for incremental loading (with a smaller value). This option is only available if incremental loading is enabled in your environment.


To allow users to select interactive filters in the Report Viewer, add data fields as filters. For each filter you can select the following options:

  • Title: Enter text to appear in place of the data field name.

  • Type: Specify the type of ability the user has to choose filter values:

    • Single Choice - A drop down menu with all possible filter values. Users can choose one value.

    • Multiple Choice - A check list with all possible filter values. Users can choose multiple values.

    • Single Slider - Users can choose one value by sliding a point along a scale.

    • Range Slider - Users can choose multiple values between two points on a scale.

  • Value Sort Direction: Whether the filter values should display in ascending or descending order.

  • Filter Value Format: Select how the filter values should display.

  • Initially Display Filter on Panel: Display the filter choice automatically when the report is run.


Display Sorts in Report Viewer: Select whether the user can see and modify sorts in the Report Viewer.

In the Title column, you can enter text to appear in place of the data field names.