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System Switches Table of Contents

Coming in November 2024

Before you begin using the system, you should review the system switches and adjust settings as needed to better meet your needs. You can add or eliminate many prompts and fields depending on what you want to track in the system. You can save a lot of time and keystrokes by turning OFF features you don't want to use.

System Switches affect the use of the system globally so be sure the setting is what you want across the organization before changing.

The table of contents below will help you navigate to the various system switch tabs and give you a deep dive into each of the system switches in that tab as well as what each does.

Below the table of contents is a grid that gives a high level overview of each switch and its purpose that may help you decide where to start.

System Switch Title

System Switch Tab Where It’s Found

Switch Function

Warranty Claims


Enable MFA Option


Flat Labor/Actual Hours

Work Order

Non Zero Estimated Hours

Work Order

Paperless Shop Password

Work Order

Max WO Lines

Work Order

Outside WO/Create PO

Work Order

Use Customer Billing

Work Order

Overhead/Shop Supplies

Work Order

VMRS System Level

Work Order

Use Reason Codes

Work Order

Use Cause Codes

Work Order

Use PO Approval

Purchase Order

PO Max Lines

Purchase Order

Use PO Prefix

Purchase Order

Use PO Suffix

Purchase Order

Purchase Order Numbering

Purchase Order

Post Part to WO

Purchase Order

Close WO if Parts Pending

Purchase Order

Use Account Codes

Purchase Order

Default Account Codes

Purchase Order

Purchase Requisitions

Purchase Order

Number of Stock Areas


Inventory Value Computing Method


Ship Days Buffer


Reorder Point Settings


Add Tax to Part Cost


Odometer Prompt


Company Fuel Taxable


Bill All Fuel Transactions


Use Fuel Markups
