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Converting Classic WO Template Checklists to Paperless Inspections in Fleet360

Checklists that existed in work order templates in Classic can be converted to Paperless Technician Inspections in Fleet 360 with a simple click.

This action will occur for ANY and ALL checklists that exist in the Classic system on work order templates and the action CANNOT be undone.

Using the Paperless Inspections provides faster completions and eliminates the need for paper and the potential of illegible notes.

In addition, the checklists can remain as a simple Pass/Fail for each line item, or can be edited to be more robust and assist with automating the creation of work order lines for failed items and defects. Prompts can also be edited in to ensure technicians are gathering the right type of data for the inspection.

Refer to Inspection Templates for information on adding prompts and defects to the converted checklists.

Follow the below steps to convert existing work order template checklists in Classic to Paperless Inspections in Fleet360.

  1. Click on Settings under the Maint. & Repair main menu item in Fleet360


  2. Click on the Migrate Checklists option


  3. Review the note and click Continue


  4. The system may take a bit to bring the checklists in and other functions can be performed while it is running

  5. Checklists will be imported into the Inspection template area with the name of the work order template they were attached to

  6. Users will find the new inspection templates under Inspection Templates under the Inspections menu area


  7. These Inspection Templates can be added to Asset PM schedules or be added to work order lines as needed

Refer to Assigning and Completing Inspections for more detailed information on Paperless Inspections