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Printing Purchase Orders

Purchase orders can be printed or shared using various options in the Purchase Order Screen.

This document will review how to use each of the options available for printing and sharing Purchase Orders.

Don’t forget to make it your own by adding your company logo to Work Order and Purchase Order docs. Refer to Company Logos for instructions on adding your logo

To access the items below, click the PDF icon while in the PO.

The email icon to the left of the PDF icon will function the same as the “Attach PO to Email” section below.


Copies web address to clipboard. The link can be shared by pasting it into any document. Anyone with the link will be directed to this PO Preview screen and are able to view it (No RTA account is required).

Download PO


Downloads the previewed document to local station

Attach PO to Email


Creates an email file containing a link to the page. This file will open in the sender's local email reader where they can enter the email of the recipient and can update the subject of the email. The default subject for the email should be “Purchase Order # [PO No.]”.

Print PO


Connects to local network printer setup for printing.

Print Options Gear


The Print Options Gear. When you open this option, you can select to:

  • Include or hide Prices in the Printout

  • Display the Vendor Part Number or Display the RTA Part Number
