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Tool Types Set Up and Management

Tool Types help categorize the tools. The steps below will assist in creating and editing tool types.

Creating Tool Types

  1. Click on Settings under the Tools area of the system main menu


  2. Click on Tool Status from the settings list


  3. Click on New Code


  4. Enter the Name of the Tool Type (This is what will display as the option for type)

  5. Enter a description for the Tool Type

  6. Click Save


Editing/Deleting Tool Types

Tool Types can be deleted by click the trash can icon beside the tool type.


Follow the steps below to edit a tool type:

Only the Description of a Tool Type can be edited after it is created. If editing the name is desired, the Tool Type must be deleted and then re-created.

  1. Click on Settings under the Tools area of the system main menu


  2. Click on Tool Status from the settings list


  3. Click on the Tool Type to edit

  4. Edit the description (edits are saved as entered)