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Parts File History Tab

The part history tab contains two panels that display the part’s usage history and another that shows the part's purchase history.

These two panels are filterable, sortable, exportable, and can have column customization applied to their view. Refer to Customizing List Columns for instructions regarding customizing columns and using the sort features.

Refer to Part File Table of Contents to return to the full list of displayed data in the vehicle file.

This article will focus on the functions for the usage and purchases history panels.

Usage Panel

The usage panel will display when and where the part was used and feeds directly from Work Order data entered in RTA.

Clicking the line item will open the Work Order information.

  • All columns in the usage history have filter and sort capability

  • Usage can have columns added and removed from the list available

  • History can be exported via Excel and PDF

See top of article for link to instructions on how to perform the above actions if needed.

Columns available with the Usage History Panel are as follows:

 Click here to expand...
  • Date - Displays the date the part was posted to the work order line

  • WO Facility - Facility where the Work Order is assigned

  • WO Num - The Work Order Number associated with the repair

  • Vehicle Facility - Facility assigned to the vehicle that received the part

  • Vehicle Number - Vehicle number assigned to the vehicle which received the part

  • Quantity - Total number of the part that was used on that work order line

  • Price - Total price charged for that part

  • Line Number - Line number of the Work Order associated with the part

  • Part Cost - Cost of the part

Refer to Work Orders for detailed information on Work Orders

Purchases Panel

The purchases panel displays data pertaining to the part purchases made and feeds from purchase orders in RTA Desktop.

  • All columns in the purchase history have filter and sort capability

  • Purchase history can have columns added and removed from the list available

  • History can be exported via Excel and PDF

See top of article for link to instructions on how to perform the above actions if needed.

Clicking the line item will open the Purchase Order information.

Columns available with the Purchase History panel are as follows:

 Click here to expand...
  • Date - Date of the part purchase order

  • PO Number - Purchase order number

  • Extension -

  • Vendor Facility - Vendor hierarchy rank number - for example 1 = Primary Vendor

  • Vendor Number - Vendor part number

  • Vendor Name - Company name for the vendor

  • Quantity - Quantity of the part purchased on the purchase order

  • Price - Price charged for the part order from the vendor

  • Invoice Number - Invoice number for the purchase order

Refer to Purchase Orders for detailed information on Purchase Orders