Equipment Service and Cost History

Summary/Use Case

Report Summary

The purpose of this report is to give the customer a detailed view of the services performed on each asset. Grouped by facility and then vehicle, the customer can see the date/time of service, the type and description of service done, as well as the quantity and cost for each service. There are service cost totals per vehicle and facility.

Use Case

  • This report provides the total cost of services in a date range, as well as facility totals

Location: Where to Find it

Open RTA Web and Select Reports > RTA Standard Reports > Equipment > Equipment Service and Cost History


Data Filter Prompts

You will be prompted for filtering of the Data to specify and narrow down the data that will be pulled. See Data Filter List Below for Options


Data Filter List

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Defaults)

Value (Notes)


Equal To

Not Equal To

Less Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than

Greater Than or Equal To

Starts With

Not Starts With

Ends With

Does Not End With


Does Not Contain

Is Between

Is Not Between

Is One Of

Is Not One Of

1 - 99999

Between 1 and 99999

Based on what condition option you select you can Include individual Facility Number or Numbers, and Ranges.


You can exclude individual Facility Number or Numbers, and Ranges.

Equipment Number

Equal To

Not Equal To

Less Than

Less Than or Equal To

Greater Than

Greater Than or Equal To

Starts With

Not Starts With

Ends With

Does Not End With


Does Not Contain

Is Between

Is Not Between

Is One Of

Is Not One Of

1 - zzzzzzzzzz

Between 1 and zzzzzzzzzz

Based on what condition option you select you can include Equipment Numbers or Ranges.


You can exclude individual Equipment Number or Numbers, and Ranges.

Service Date

Is Between

Greater Than or Equal To

Less Than or Equal To

Any date range is acceptable

First Day of Last Month - First Day of Current Month

Note: First Day of Current Month starts at 12:00am, so no current month transactions will be included

Based on the condition, you can select a range of dates

Report Output and Data Elements

When the report runs, you will see the report is grouped/sorted by Facility > Equipment Number. The primary function of this report is to provide a complete list of services completed for each piece of equipment during the specified date range.

Report Output:


Report Data Elements List

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes



This is the assigned equipment number


Service Date

This is the date that the service was performed


Service Type

This is the type of service that was performed


Service Description

This is the description of the service that was performed



This is the quantity of the service type; this is used to indicate types that may be greater than one, such as labor hours or parts


Cost per Unit

This is the cost of each unit


Total Service Line Cost

This is the result of Qty * Cost per Unit