
Report Title

Report Description


Use Case Scenario

Equipment Overview

The intended use of this report is to give an overview of the equipment in the system. In addition to the equipment’s identifying information, the user can view purchase date, equipment age, purchase cost, total service costs, and % of purchase to total service cost.

Reports >

RTA Standard Reports >

Equipment >

Equipment Overview

  • Provides a master list of all equipment in the system, including identification information, status, and vehicle mount

  • The report also gives totals for equipment valuation and service costs per facility

  • Information to perform lifecycle cost analysis is included

Equipment Service and Cost History

The purpose of this report is to give the customer a detailed view of the services performed on each asset. Grouped by facility and then vehicle, the customer can see the date/time of service, the type and description of service done, as well as the quantity and cost for each service. There are service cost totals per vehicle and facility.

Reports >

RTA Standard Reports >

Equipment >

Equipment Service and Cost History

  • This report provides the total cost of services in a date range, as well as facility totals

Equipment Service Reminders

The purpose of this report is to provide customers with a report that tracks the service due dates for equipment, as well as the VMRS code/description of the service due. The customer is given the option to only include overdue services prior to running the report, but in any case, overdue lines are highlighted in red. There is also a facility and report summary that gives customers the count of overdue services, average days overdue, total equipment listed, and mounted equipment.

Reports >

RTA Standard Reports >

Equipment >

Equipment Service Reminders

  • Send to customers for service scheduling

  • Use in conjunction with PM Due 30 Days report to align services with vehicles that the equipment are mounted to