Set Bin Location to Part VMRS Code
This utility program sets the bin location for stock area A to match the first six digits of the VMRS code in the part record -- overwriting the existing bin location, if any. For example, if a part has a VMRS code of 013-007, this utility would set the bin location to also be 013-007. If the part VMRS code is 013-007-002, the bin location would still be set to 013-007 since only the first six digits are used.
NOTE: The RTA system has the ability to track up to five, separate stocking areas A through E (SSM, Parts Parameters tab, switch 9). Each stocking area can have its own bin designation. However, this utility only changes the bin location for stocking area A.
Running the Utility
- Select System > Custom Utilities > Parts > Set Bin Location to VMRS from the RTA main menu (SCAB).
- Read the message displayed and then choose Yes to continue.
- Enter the starting and ending facility to process or press F1 to make the selection from the lookup list.
- Enter the starting and ending part number to process or press F1 to make the selection from the lookup list.