Migration of Customer's Existing Data to RTA Cloud Hosted SaaS

Thank you for signing up to move your existing on-premise installation of RTA Fleet Management Software to RTA’s cloud servers. Previously, you received a welcome email with an administrative user logon and a link to the Getting Started welcome guide.

By now, you should have visited the user admin portal and created user accounts for each of the users that will be authorized to use the cloud version of RTA. Those users should know their username and password, and they should have the RTA application icons downloaded to their computer desktop, or plan to launch the application from a web browser.

Now let’s move forward into the steps you will need to take for the data migration process…

    We need to schedule a cutover date. We start the process fairly early in the morning on a weekday. It is impossible to estimate an exact length of time for the process as it will vary depending on the database type of your on-premise software installation, speed of computer in creating an archive file, internet upload speed, and any missing RTA version upgrades that will need to be installed. Please call Tier 2 Support at 623-581-2447 to schedule a specific date and time for the cutover. Make sure RTA staff has correct email and phone number for contact during the cutover process.
    Determine whether your existing on-premise RTA system’s data format is Vision or Microsoft SQL.  This can be done by going to System>RTA Information>Special Utility Routine then typing 'dblogin.cob' and pressing ‘Enter”. If you are presented with a Server and Database login screen, then you are running an SQL Database. Otherwise it will open a select database type screen and you will know you are running a Vision File system.  You will need this information to complete the steps listed below on the cutover date. Run your existing RTA software. Select System > RTA Information > About RTA from the main menu. Your software serial number is displayed on the about screen. It is 8 characters similar to ‘RTA01234’. Discuss this with RTA staff when scheduling the cutover date if you aren’t sure.
    Once the cutover date is scheduled with RTA staff, be sure to notify all end users of the date and time. They will need to plan on exiting out of the software before that scheduled time, and will not be able to use the software again until after the data migration process is complete and they begin using the cloud version of the software.
    It’s the day of the scheduled cutover. You will prepare and upload your existing RTA system and upload it to our file server using the detailed steps below. Once the file upload completes, RTA system administrators will set it up and install any missing upgrade versions and software modules. Below are the steps that customer will take on the scheduled cutover date.

    1. Make sure you know your existing RTA system database type and software serial number, as determined previously in the “Determine database type and software serial number” section. It helps to have a written note of the serial number handy.
    2. Make sure you have the welcome email handy. It contains the FTP username and password you will need to upload the files to RTA’s server.
    3. All users must completely exit out of the on-premise RTA software. This is of the utmost importance! Failure to ensure that users are out of the software, and remain out of the software for the duration of the preparation process may result in data loss!
    4. If the on-premise RTA system is on a Windows server file share, you could delete the share or modify permissions so that users cannot access it any more. The software may be disabled by renaming the file rta_wrun32.exe to rta_wrun32.old prior to prevent users from mistakenly launching the retired on-premise system.
    5. Create a zip archive of the contents of your RTA application folder. Browse to the folder using Windows Explorer. Select all files and subfolders, then right-click and choose Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder from the menu. Do NOT right-click on the folder itself. Highlight all files and subfolders, and right-click on those.
    6. Wait for the compression process to complete it’s work. At the end, you will be prompted for a filename. Name the file based on your software serial number that you wrote down in step 1. Example: RTA01234.zip The naming of this file is critical in ensuring your company’s privacy and that RTA staff applies the correct database to your cloud hosted system.
    7. If your existing data format is Microsoft SQL, you will need to perform a full backup of the database named RTAFleet. Do NOT backup the database named RTALocks. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio application:
      1. Right-click on the RTAFleet database, then choose Tasks > Back Up from the menu.
      2. Make sure backup type is set to FULL and backup component is DATABASE.
      3. For destination, back up to DISK.
      4. Use the REMOVE button to remove any files automatically listed in the destination list. We will not be using any pre-arranged destinations.
      5. Use the ADD button to specify a folder location and filename. Name the file based on your software serial number that you wrote down in step 1. Example: C:\temp\RTA01234.bak The naming of this file is critical in ensuring your company’s privacy and that RTA staff applies the correct database to your cloud hosted system.
      6. Click the OK button to perform the backup operation.
    8. Use an FTP software to upload the file to RTA. If you don’t have an FTP software, we recommend using the portable version of WinSCP.
      1. Run the FTP program and use the server and login information provided in the welcome email you received when subscribing to the service.
      2. Once connected, you will be in the correct folder where your files should be placed. Do NOT create a new folder or change to any existing folders. Upload the .zip and optionally .bak file(s), that you prepared earlier, into that default folder.
    9. Once the file upload process has completed, call your assigned RTA staff member at 623-581-2447 to let them know that the upload process is complete and the files are now ready for them. Make sure we know the best way to contact you for the rest of the day.

Your part of the data migration process is now complete! RTA staff will be performing various tasks to install your system’s data into the cloud hosted system, installing any missing upgrade versions, installing any new software modules, and altering any image viewer records if necessary. Once RTA staff completes their work and the system is ready, they will contact you to advise that users may now begin using the system. If any adjustments need to be made for electronic fuel data imports or Image Viewer files, they will discuss this with you at this time.