Assigning Jobs in Paperless Shop
The Schedule Jobs option (WPS) allows unscheduled jobs to be assigned to mechanics. As previously mentioned, unscheduled jobs are work order lines that have no mechanic information. The Schedule Jobs option is handy for assigning multiple jobs or for scheduling a set number of hours. To assign jobs using this option, select Schedule Jobs from the menu.
The Mechanic Number window will be displayed. Enter the mechanic number to schedule or click the LIST button to select a mechanic from the lookup list. The Additional Hours window will be displayed.
The cursor is positioned in the Additional Hours field. A value is not required here to continue. To schedule a specific amount of time, enter a value in this field. This will not limit the amount of time or the number of jobs that can be scheduled to the mechanic, nor will it force a set amount of time to be scheduled. Instead, this will work as a "counter" to assist in scheduling. As jobs are assigned, the estimated hours to complete each job will be deducted from the time allotted in the Additional Hours field.
The other fields displayed on the Additional Hours window are for informational purposes only and cannot be modified. They are described as follows:
Displays the mechanic number to whom jobs will be assigned. The mechanic name is displayed towards the bottom of the Mechanic Scheduling Screen
Displays the mechanic's accumulative productivity percentage.
Displays the hours of work currently scheduled to the mechanic. This figure is calculated by dividing the scheduled hours by the mechanic's productivity rate. For example, if the mechanic currently has three-hours worth of work scheduled and his productivity is 80%, his current hours would display 3.8 (3.0 / .8).
Displays the number of hours worked this week. Monday is used as the start of the work- week.
The bottom portion of the Mechanic Scheduling Screen also displays information about the mechanic. Again, these fields are for informational purposes and cannot be modified. They are described as follows:
Displays the mechanic number and name.
Displays the mechanic's accumulative productivity percentage.
Displays the number of hours worked today.
Displays the hours of work currently scheduled to the mechanic. This figure is calculated by dividing the scheduled hours by the mechanic's productivity rate.
Displays the number of hours left to schedule. This field will start with value that was entered in the Additional Hours field and will be reduced by the estimated hours as jobs are scheduled.
Displays the previous number of hours allotted in the Additional Hours field for this mechanic (i.e. the non-zero value that was entered the last time the Scheduled Jobs option was used).
Displays the difference for Allotted minus Completed. If the Completed hours are greater than the Allotted hours, a zero will be displayed.
Displays the difference for Schedule minus Time Left.
If you're using shop codes (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, line 17), you'll be prompted for the shop code. Press ENTER to pull up all unscheduled jobs or specify a shop code to pull up unscheduled jobs for only that shop. The Mechanic Scheduling Screen will then display a list of work orders that contain unassigned jobs. The list, sorted in work order priority code, includes the work order number, vehicle number, work order priority code (SSI, Miscellaneous I tab, line 36), and major VMRS codes.
To schedule jobs, select the checkboxes for each desired work order and then click the ASSIGN button.
As jobs are scheduled, the estimated time to complete each job will be subtracted from the hours in the Remain field (at the bottom of the screen). The scheduler can use this to help keep track of the amount of time being scheduled to the mechanic. Click the CANCEL button when done.
A list of all the jobs assigned to the mechanic can be displayed by switching to the 'Current Mechanic' tab. The jobs listed on this screen are the jobs that appear on the mechanic screen when he selects the Clock on to a Scheduled Job option. This last screen allows the mechanic's workload to be modified and/or re-prioritized. The jobs are displayed in Paperless Shop priority code (SEQ) order—the highest priority jobs are listed first. The mechanic number, work order number, work order priority code, vehicle, VMRS code, job description, scheduled hours, Paperless Shop priority code, and transaction numbers are displayed on this screen along with several options.
A list of all the jobs assigned to other mechanics can be displayed by switching to the 'Other Mechanics' tab. This tab will display all open work order job lines with each mechanic assigned to that job. The currently selected mechanic (shown at the top of the screen) can be assigned to any of the jobs listed by marking the checkboxes and clicking the 'Assign' button.
A list of all deferred jobs can be displayed by switching to the 'Deferred Jobs' tab. Any deferred jobs that are pending will be displayed. Select the checkbox next to the deferred jobs that you would like to schedule to be worked on, then click the 'Undefer' button. The job will be added to a work order and scheduled to the mechanic.
To exit this screen and have the option to schedule jobs for different mechanics, click the CANCEL button.