Active User Login Management
This management screen (SUA) allows you to view various information about the users which are actively using the software at the moment. You can see which software users are actively using the software, which screen(s) or programs they are using, which computer they are running the software on, and their active time. If a user is accessing multiple programs within the RTA system, each thread will be listed in the display window.
Displayed information per thread
The fields listed below are shown for each individual thread that a particular user is accessing. For example, if a user launched the RTA system, then opened up the Work Order screen, and also opened up a Purchase Order, then THREE separate threads would be displayed for that single user.
Checkbox: White or Red color indicator (see 'Inactive Sessions' section below). Select sessions listed and then perform various operations for those sessions via the toolbar buttons.
Computer Name: The host name of the computer that the user is running the RTA application on.
Windows Login Name: The Windows domain or workgroup user account that the user is logged in as.
RTA User: The RTA user account name, if user security is enabled and users log in to the software.
Employee Number: The RTA employee number, if applicable. This is helpful in Paperless Shop systems since the mechanic kiosks do not use an RTA User login for each mechanic, since multiple mechanics generally share a kiosk or multiple kiosks.
Default Facility: The user's default facility, though they may have access to multiple facilities.
Facility Name: The name of the user's default facility.
Menu/Screen ID: The menu path or quick launch button that the user used to access the program(s) that they are currently accessing.
Program Title: The name of the program or section of RTA the user is currently accessing.
Program Name: The actual sub-program file name being executed. Useful if asked by RTA technical support.
Logged In/Time Active: These fields indicate how long the user has been accessing this particular program area of the system.
Process ID/SPID: These fields can be used by your I.T. personnel to help identify specific processes running in memory on the computer or a shared multi-user server.
Displayed summary information
A summary is displayed at the bottom of the screen indicating the current time, the time that the information per thread was last updated, whether the detail display is auto-updating or if you must manually refresh it, the number of users currently logged into the RTA system, and your company's maximum user license.
Display Options
Using the Options menu, the font size can be increased, Auto-Reload can be enabled, and Auto-scroll can be activated. These options are handy when you desire to display the Active User screen on a large screen monitor for general viewing at a distance.
Inactive Sessions
When a user closes a program, or exits from the RTA software entirely, their session will no longer be listed on this screen. However, if the user exits RTA in an abnormal fashion (computer crashed, network connection interrupted, power surge, software crash with error code, etc.) then the signal that tells the Active User screen that they user has exited is not able to be sent. This results in an idle session marked with a red indicator. The checkboxes on the left side of the screen are color coded. A white box indicates a verified active session. A red box indicates a session that is idle or no longer active. If a session is marked as red, but it is determined that RTA is no longer running on the listed computer, you should select that inactive session and click the delete button on the toolbar.
View Record Locks
This is an advanced feature only available in the Microsoft SQL database version of RTA. In that version of RTA, clicking the View Locks toolbar button will display an even deeper level of detail about what the users are doing in the software. This will show the actual data records that the users are editing and therefore are locked from access to other users at the moment.
The thread information displayed is not updated in real time. The summary information at the bottom of the screen indicates what time the information currently being displayed was generated. You can manually update the information by pressing the Reload button on the toolbar or Utilities menu. You may also configure the screen to automatically reload the information at various time intervals via the Options menu.
If an inactive thread (indicated with a red checkbox), was researched and identified as being invalid, check the box and click the Delete button on the toolbar or Utilities menu. See 'Inactive Sessions' section for more information about inactive threads.
Send Message
Check the boxes next to desired users and then use the Message toolbar button or Utilities menu to compose a brief popup message to be sent to the selected users. This is handy for notifying users that the system will be disabled soon to perform an upgrade, process End of Period, or for server maintenance being performed by your I.T. department. We do not intend to interrupt a user who is busy with data entry, so the popup message will not appear immediately. The message will pop up when the user leaves a program and returns to the main menu or paperless shop mechanic kiosk screen. If the user remains in a program screen for an extended time, then the popup message will display after about 10 minutes. This popup message will come to the front of the RTA display, but will not appear in front of other software applications if the user has the RTA screen in the background.
Lock RTA
This toolbar button launches a utility in which you can lock multiple user accounts, preventing them from launching and logging into the RTA system. This is useful when you need to keep users out of the software during installation of upgrades, or when data entry is stopped while running reports and processing End of Period.