Tire Manufacturers, Cappers, Positions, and Sizes

When adding tire records, you'll be prompted for the tire manufacturer, capper, and size information. When mounting tires, you'll be prompted for the tire position. Add the necessary records before adding tires into the system. These records contain basic information and are easy to maintain. Because all the options work identically, the instructions for maintaining these options will be combined.
The tire manufacturer, capper, size, and position files are used by the entire system and are not facility specific.

Adding a Record

  1. Select Master > Tire > Manufacturer Codes > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MTCM). OR
    1. Select Master > Tire > Capper Codes > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MTPM). OR
    2. Select Master > Tire > Position Codes from the RTA main menu (MTO). OR
    3. Select Master > Tire > Size Codes from the RTA main menu (MTZ).
  2. Enter a record number and choose Add. The manufacturer, capper, and size codes are numeric fields. The position code is a text field allowing up to six characters (e.g., position code of LFO for left, front, outer).
  3. Enter the information and notes for the records as needed. For spare tire positions, deselect the Tracking checkbox so the vehicle miles traveled aren't counted as tire life miles.
  4. Save the record.

Changing a Record

  1. Select Master > Tire > Manufacturer Codes > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MTCM). OR
    1. Select Master > Tire > Capper Codes > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MTPM). OR
    2. Select Master > Tire > Position Codes from the RTA main menu (MTO). OR
    3. Select Master > Tire > Size Codes from the RTA main menu (MTZ).
  2. Enter a record number or press F1 to select a record from the lookup list.
  3. Make the changes as needed.
  4. Save the record.

Deleting a Record

  1. Select Master > Tire > Manufacturer Codes > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MTCM). OR
    1. Select Master > Tire > Capper Codes > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MTPM). OR
    2. Select Master > Tire > Position Codes from the RTA main menu (MTO). OR
    3. Select Master > Tire > Size Codes from the RTA main menu (MTZ).
  2. Enter a record number or press F1 to select a record from the lookup list.
  3. Select Utilities > Delete [Record] from the menu or click on the Delete [Record] icon in the toolbar
  4. Choose Yes to confirm the deletion.