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RTA Web - Creating New Users

Setting up new users for RTA Web takes only a few steps to complete.

Before attempting to add users, be sure there are available licenses and that the proper user group(s) are decided upon.

Refer to Deleting and Editing Users if you already have users created and just need to edit or delete them.

Identifying Available Licenses

Prior to adding users, be sure that licenses are available for use. If not, contact your sales rep or reach out to our support team if your sales rep is not known to you at 1-800-279-0549.

Refer to System Admin and Licensing for information on locating and determining licenses available for use.

Before requesting more licenses, be sure that any users no longer needed have been removed. Refer to for information on removing users.

Reviewing User Groups

RTA Software comes pre-loaded with 12 pre-determined user groups which dictate access and use of the various areas of the software. Custom user groups can be created to meet additional needs or create hybrid roles.

Refer to User Groups for more information on accessing the user groups for review and creating custom groups.

Adding a User

  1. From the main menu, select User from the Admin drop down

  2. Click the + icon to add a user

  3. Enter the desired User ID and hit tab

    1. If the User will also be using RTA Classic, then it is best if this matches the User ID that will also be added to the Classic Version and needs to be kept to 10 or less characters

      1. Refer to RTA Classic User for the video information showing how to add the user in Classic as well.

    2. The suffix will automatically be included in the User ID for sign on purposes

    3. If the message “User ID already exists” displays in red, this means that the specific User ID is already in use across the RTA Server and a new one will need to be chosen

  4. Enter the User’s first name (Required)

  5. Enter the User’s last name (Required)

  6. Enter the User’s email (Optional)

  7. Enter the User’s Password - ensuring that the password policy is adhered to

  8. Click Save

  9. The user will now display in the user primary search list but will display with an incomplete status

  10. Click on the user from the user search list

  11. Click Edit Profile

  12. Re-enter the password used for the set up

  13. Select the type of license to be used for this user

  14. Add a profile picture for the user if desired

  15. Click Save

  16. In the Assigned User Groups Panel, click Manage

  17. Click the + sign in the first row of the first column to select the first user group access area

    1. Choose Company Wide if access or user groups will be granted across the entire company at all facilities

    2. If using multiple facilities, a row defining access for each facility can be included if access will change by facility

    3. If using multiple facilities and the access rights need to be different for each one, select the facility being described for each row

  18. In the header of the remaining columns, click the + sign and select the user group(s) to be used

  19. In the corresponding cell for each facility, click to check the box to connect the user group level to the appropriate facility

  20. Click Save

For Example - In the table below, the user would have Administrator access to the SOLD facility, Parts Manager access to Shop3, and Lead Technician and Parts Manager access to Shop2.

Using the User ID and password put into the system, the user should now log in to to access the system.