How To Setup Zonar DVIR Integration

In RTA: 

  1. Make sure Enhancement code is Active (Key installed) 

  2. In RTA Under WDS (WOs>Driver Report Maintenance> Setup Driver Reports) 

  3. Add the Facility or Facilities that will be using Zonar: 

  4. In Drivers Interface Setup: 

  • Company Code: The one used to login to Zonar 

  • URL Leave the one defaulted in screen 

  • User: RTAOMIs 

  • Password: RTAOMI 

  • Select Default Work Order Codes and Switches as desired 

  • OK to save 


In Zonar's Website: 

  1. Login to Zonar site (Company code Name/Password) make sure you have super user access 

  2. Under> Admin> Admin Users> Edit Roles Do the following: 

  3. "Edit the Mechanic Role and Makes sure to "Add" all the following permissions: 

  • viewbadreportlog 

  • adminrepairnotes 

  • showrevokedops 

  • showopen 

  • showstats 

  • showexpire 

  • addrepair 

  • assignmechanic 

  • extgetrepairusers 

  1. Edit OMI Role - Add the following: 

  • showposition 

  1. Under> Admin> Admin Users> Manage Do the following: 

  • Add "RTAOMI" User 

  • Username: RTAOMI 

  • First name: RTA 

  • Last name: OMI 

  • Role: OMI  

  • Password: RTAOMI 

  1. Note this is the one RTA will use to make the Connection 

  2. Add "RTAxxxxx" (The Users RTA Registration Number) 

  • Username: RTAxxxxx 

  • First name: RTA 

  • Last name: SOFTWARE 

  • Role: Mech  

  • Password: RTAOMI  

  1. If you want RTA to stamp the Mechanic in Zonar that closed the RTA WO line, do the following: 

  • Add All the Mechanics or anyone that will have ability to stamp the WO as closed (we use the Mechanic assignment in the WO line when the line is closed. 

  • The User in Zonar has to match exactly with the Abbr Used in the Employee File in RTA (Ex. Uppercase KM is the Abbr in RTA have to use Uppercase KM as User in Zonar) 

  • Make sure the Mech Role is used and we suggest using the same password for all Mechanics (these are just used in RTA for completion stamping purposes only)