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RTA Web - POs (Purchase Orders) Master List Overview

The Purchase Order list displays all POs that have been added to the RTA software. This list can be viewed as a whole or can be sorted/adjusted for specific views. The ability to sort and customize columns as well as to export the master list are available.

Refer to Master List Functions TOC for instructions.

Refer to for instructions to create POs in RTA.

This article will cover the various columns that can appear on the PO Master List as well as actions that can be taken while viewing the list.

Searching the PO Master List

The search bar at the top of the master list will allow the user to search by specific datasets.

Search does not exclude fields and may have multiple results. For example, if a vendor is numbered as 1 and that is also the facility number for the PO the system will return results for POs assigned to Facility 1 as well as any POs for vendor 1.

To search do the following:

  1. Enter the data to search in the search bar

  2. Press Enter

  3. The list will re-display with all the line items that contain a matching result

Depending on the number of POs in RTA, be sure to check the bottom of the list to see how many items are displaying per page and how many pages there are to view.

Columns appearing on the PO Master List

There are a number of columns available for display on the PO Master List. The description of each is listed below. Users can use the “Column Chooser” option to remove or add columns. Refer to Customizing Master List Columns for instructions on doing so if needed.

 Expand to see the list of columns available

Column Title


Column Filter Available

PO Facility

Facility assigned for PO


PO Number

Unique number assigned to PO (company can use their own or have RTA create the PO number)



Extended PO number for use with Blanket POs


Vendor Facility

Facility number where the Vendor is assigned


Vendor Number

Unique identifying number for the vendor


Vendor Abbreviation

Abbreviation used for the vendor as indicated in the vendor file


Vendor Name

Name of the Vendor


PO Date

Date of PO creation in RTA System


Bid Number

Can be added as part of the PO info and is commonly used by City and County fleets to cross reference PO system numbers



Status of the PO


Bill To Facility

Facility selected for where the PO will be billed - Use of multiple facilities is determined by system switch 26 in Main Parameters on Desktop and Facility is set up


Ship To Facility

Facility selected for where the items purchased on the PO will be shipped - Use of multiple facilities is determined by system switch 26 in Main Parameters on Desktop and Facility is set up


Individual requestor/creator of the PO


F.O.B. Point

Freight On Board Location


Freight Total

Total Freight charges added to the PO


Invoice #

Last Invoice Number associated with the receipt of the PO items from the vendor


Order Total

Total Order Cost for the PO


Due Date

Due Date assigned to the PO



Description of the line item


Invoice Date

Date of last invoice received


PO Prefix

If using a PO Prefix, will display here - Controlled by system switch 17 in Parts Parameters on Desktop


PO Suffix

If using a PO Suffix, will display here - Controlled by system switch 18 in Parts Parameters on Desktop


PO Received Date

Date of final receipt of items


Received Total

Total cost of items received including parts, freight, and taxes



Requisition number associated with the PO if the PO was auto-created from a previously existing requisition



How many times a PO has changed


PO Statuses

Status Title



PO is Open and either awaiting receipt of items, review for closure, or both


PO has been approved and can be submitted to the vendor

Pending Approval

PO is waiting for approval before submitting to vendor

Denied Approval

PO has been denied and will not be able to be sent to vendor


PO has been closed due to either receipt of all items ordered or closed by an individual

Actions that can be performed on the PO Master List

There are multiple actions that can be taken from the Parts Master List at the click of a button. Below is a list of actions that can be performed from the list. Detailed instructions for each may be located elsewhere and a link to the appropriate article will be provided.