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RTA Web - Blanket Purchase Orders

A blanket PO is a PO in which a vendor doesn't need approval for everything that is purchased from them. Blanket POs are usually good for a specified period of time and have a set budget limit. Each time a PO is manually created, the RTA system checks to see if the vendor has an existing blanket PO.

Blanket POs can not be set up in Web at this time. Refer to Adding/Changing Blanket POs for information on setting these up in Classic

Blanket POs can only be used if turned on via System Switch #14 in Parts Parameters in Classic

  • If a blanket PO exists, the option to use the existing blanket PO or to create a new, non-blanket PO is given

  • Auto-generated POs automatically use the blanket PO if one exists

  • As parts are ordered on blanket POs, the system tallies the cost of the parts purchased.

    1. The displayed purchase totals include part tax paid if System Switch #24 is set to Yes in Parts Parameters in Classic

  • Warning messages are displayed if the blanket PO has expired or if an order exceeds the allowable budget

  • When a blanket PO has expired or the budget limit has been reached and more parts need to be ordered, you can either

    1. exceed the existing blanket PO budget amount (password level 1 is required)

    2. increase the current blanket PO budget amount

    3. create a new blanket PO

    4. create a regular (non-blanket) PO

Refer to Blanket PO Info Tab for information on where blanket PO information lives within the purchase order file.