RTA Web - Updated User Profile

For all Hosted SaaS users, an online or web profile is what links the user to RTA. This username, ending with @rta-host.com is what gets the user logged in on their Web, Desktop or Mobile RTA.

As of RTA Web version 1.4.0, new customization components have been added to the user profile including the User Group assignment/management and the ability to personalize the profile with details and a picture.

Adding a New User

As an Admin or User Admin, log into RTA Web and go to Admin > Users. Click the + button in the top-right of the user box.

A side window will slide in to input the new user’s information. Enter the username, name, email (optional) and password, then Save

Click the new user’s name to open the profile

From the profile, finalize the user by adding a License Type (edit profile), User Group (manage) and Employee Number (manage).

Edit Profile

Assign a Desktop Username from the existing RTA Desktop Users (System > Setup Users > File Maintenance). Assign a License Type by checking the applicable box (Full, Technician or Driver). Also feel free to drag and drop, or browse for a picture of the user/group

Manage User Groups

For details on creating or assigning a user group by facility or by group, please see: RTA Web - User Groups

Manage Linked Employees

A side menu will slide in. Select the facility in which the Employee file exists in RTA (How to Add an Employee Record), then search the Employee number or name. Save

The new user should be saved and will show on the user listing as “Active”