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RTA Web - Vehicle Information Banner

The primary information banner that is visible after selecting the vehicle in RTA Web lists all of the primary information for the vehicle. This article will focus on the fields contained within the primary banner.

Once a vehicle has been selected, the vehicle number will be listed at the top of the screen so that the user can always verify the correct vehicle is being reviewed and/or edited.

The primary vehicle banner will always be visible regardless of the tab you select in the vehicle file.

Refer to Vehicle File Table of Contents to access the full list of articles related to Displayed Vehicle Data in RTA Web here

(blue star) Denotes fields that are editable within RTA Web.


  • (blue star) Year – The manufacture year for the vehicle will display

  • (blue star) Make – The make input for the vehicle will display

  • (blue star) Model – The model input for the vehicle will display

  • Odometer Reading – This displays the current odometer based on the last edit made

    • The odometer is not editable here

    • Edits to odometers can be made through a Work Order or on the Primary Meter Info banner

    • Refer to Meter Readings in RTA Web for instructions on how to edit the odometer through the vehicle file

  • Vehicle Status – This displays the current status of the vehicle

    • Status cannot be updated here after the vehicle is entered into RTA

    • Refer to Vehicle Status for instructions on settings and switch set up for Vehicle Status

    • Status is updated via Work Orders in RTA Web – Refer to Work Order Lines for instructions on Work Orders in RTA Web

    • Status can also be edited in the desktop version – Refer to Adding a Vehicle for instructions on desktop status editing under the General Tab section

  • (blue star) Profile Picture – a picture that is associated with the vehicle/asset can be added by dragging and dropping a file or by clicking browse files and selecting a file from your computer

  • (blue star) VIN – Vehicle VIN will display here if entered

  • (blue star) License – License number for the vehicle displays here if entered

  • (blue star) Class – Displays class associated with vehicle that was input – to edit, you’ll use the drop down and select from the available classes

    • The classes must already exist

    • Refer to Vehicle Class Codes for instructions on how to create your classes

  • (blue star) Customer – Displays the customer associated with the vehicle – to edit, you’ll use the drop down and select from the available customers

    • The customer must already exist

    • Refer to Customers for instructions on how to create a customer

  • (blue star) Department – Displays the department associated with the vehicle – to edit you’ll use the drop down and select from the available departments

    • The department must already exist. Refer to Departments for instructions on how to create a department

  • (blue star) Location – Displays the location associated with the vehicle if you are using locations

  • Next PM – this will display information regarding the next PM schedule coming due

    • PM schedules will need to have been set up for the vehicle for this to display here

    • Refer to PM Schedules in RTA Web for setting up PM schedules through the vehicle file 

  • PM Description – Tied to the next PM that is due and PM schedules will need to be set up in the vehicle file before anything displays here

  • (blue star) Operator – refers to the name of the person who drivers the vehicle

    • Employees have to be added to RTA for them to display in the drop down

    • Refer to Employees for instructions on adding Employees

  • Operator Contact – displays the email address associated with the operator – driven by the employee file set up in the link listed with the operator field above

  • Operator Phone – displays the phone number associated with the operator – driven by the employee file set up in the link listed with the operator field above