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RTA Web - Vehicle History Tab

The vehicle history tab contains two banners that display the vehicles repair history and another that shows the parts history applicable to the vehicle.

These two banners are filterable, sortable, exportable, and can have column customization applied to their view. Refer to Customizing List Columns for instructions regarding customizing columns and using the sort features.

Repair History is informational only. Parts History will allow the user to drill down into the parts file and make edits to the parts file where necessary and available in RTA Web.

This article will focus on the functions for the repair and parts history banners.

Repairs Banner

The repairs banner will display repairs performed on the selected vehicle and feeds directly from Work Order data entered in RTA.

Clicking the line item will not open the Work Order information. Use the stated Work Order number displayed and visit the Work Order tab in RTA Web to view full details on that particular Work Order.

  • All columns in the history have filter and sort capability

  • Repair history can have columns added and removed from the list available

  • History can be exported via Excel and PDF

See top of article for link to instructions on how to perform the above actions if needed.

Columns available with the Repairs History banner are as follows:

 Click here to expand...
  • VMRS - VMRS code associated with the Repair (these are driven by RTA Desktop VMRS Codes)

  • Date - Date of work order posting completion

  • WO - The Work Order Number associated with the repair

  • Desc - Description associated with the VMRS Repair Type

  • Labor Hrs - Total Labor Hours posted for the repair

  • Labor Cost - Total Labor Cost posted for the repair

  • Part Cost - Total Part Cost for the repair

  • Total Cost - Total Cost for the repair line

  • Meter - Meter reading for the vehicle at the time of the repair

  • Technician - Technician that completed the repair (if using/applicable)

  • Cause - The cause code for the repair (driven by the cause code used in the work order) Refer to System Codes for more information on these codes and how you can set them up in RTA Desktop for use

  • Reason - The reason code for the repair (for example, scheduled maintenance) Refer to System Codes for more information on these codes and how you can set them up in RTA Desktop for use

  • Accomplished - Refers to the Work Accomplished Codes set up in RTA Desktop. Refer to System Codes for more information

  • Out - Refers to the work order field selection allowing the work order line to be flagged as an outside job

  • VMRS Major - The first set of three digits of the VMRS Code associated with the line item

  • VMRS Inter - The second set of three digits of the VMRS Code associated with the line item

Refer to Work Orders for detailed information on Work Orders in RTA Web

Parts History Banner

The parts history banner displays parts posted to the selected vehicle through work orders in RTA.

Clicking the line items will redirect the user to the parts file for that line item. For more information on Parts in RTA Web, refer to ““.

  • All columns in the history have filter and sort capability

  • Part history can have columns added and removed from the list available

  • History can be exported via Excel and PDF

See top of article for link to instructions on how to perform the above actions if needed.

Columns available with the Parts History banner are as follows:

 Click here to expand...
  • Trans Date - Date of the transaction for the part - part posting

  • WO Facility - Facility where the work order is assigned

  • Work Order - Work order number

  • Posting Type - This is driven by the work order transaction type

  • Part No - Number assigned to the part in the part file

  • Desc - Part description assigned to the part in the part file

  • Qty - Quantity used of the specific part

  • Charge Price - Part price charged to the work order for the part

  • WO Line - The line number on the work order where the Part is posted (associated with the Work Order number column)

  • VMRS - The VMRS Code, if applicable, for the part which is set in the part file

  • Trans No - The transaction number for the line on the work order this part is associated with (what order the transaction took place)

  • Stock Price - The stock price for the specific part

  • Repair Type - The Repair Code associated with the use of this part for a repair on the vehicle. Driven by the Repair Code submitted in the work order line where this part was assigned

  • VMRS Major - The first set of three digits of the VMRS Code associated with this part

  • VMRS Inter - The second set of three digits of the VMRS Code associated with this part

  • VMRS Minor - The third set of three digits of the VMRS Code associated with this part (if applicable)

Refer to Work Orders for detailed information on Work Orders in RTA Web