Support - RTA Help Desk

RTA Help Desk is a tool to help users manage tickets and communicate with RTA’s Customer Support Team. It allows information to be transferred without getting blocked or lost in your email folder and gives the user more information on the status of the ticket.

Create An RTA Help Desk User

To create a user profile for RTA Help desk:

  1. Go to

  2. In the top right corner select Login

  3. Put in the best contact email

  4. An email will be sent with a link to complete setup

  5. Create Password

  6. The account is setup

Navigating Help Desk

Creating A Support Ticket

  1. Go to the RTA Help Desk Customer Portal and login

  2. Click the link for Technical Support Request

  3. Add a brief summary of the issue in the summary line

  4. Add any additional details or information in the description (example: Found in RTA Web or RTA Classic)

  5. Optional: Add a phone number to receive a call

  6. Optional: Add a priority to the ticket (see Priority Levels)

  7. Select Send

  8. An email will follow shortly after confirming the ticket creation

New Support Ticket

A confirmation email will be sent after a ticket is submitted that has a link to view the Support Request:

The link is directed to the Help Desk Support Ticket:

Replies can be added directly from this page to the ticket.

Exploring Tickets

Help Desk has access to all tickets, open or closed, including notes. To view:

  1. Go to the RTA Help Desk Customer Portal and login

  2. Click on Requests in the top right corner

  3. Select Created By Me or All for tickets created by other Help Desk users where the user account is Requested Participant

  4. The default view will show all of the accounts open requests, the ticket summary, and the ticket status (Refer to Ticket Status for more info)

The history only goes back to support tickets created after the Help Desk account creation time

Adding a Comment or File

  1. Select the support case in question

  2. Select in the box labeled Add a comment

  3. Respond with information or attach a file using the Image and File icon

  4. Select Save

Ticket Status

The ticket will be assigned a ticket status to help show its current progress. There are 15 status codes as it comes to Support tickets:

Open Request Statuses

 View Open Request Statuses
  1. Waiting for Triage - The ticket is in the queue waiting to be assigned

  2. Assigned - A customer support agent has been assigned to the ticket and will reach out

  3. Requested Tech - A specific customer support agent has been requested and notified, they will reach out when available

  4. Appointment - An appointment has been set with the customer support agent

  5. Waiting For Customer - The customer support agent has requested information or files and is waiting for a response

  6. Follow Up - The ticket has been in Waiting For Customer for 7 days; the customer support agent will reach out

  7. 2nd Attempt - The customer support agent reached out with no response or after a missed appointment

  8. Call Back or Responded - The customer support agent received a response and will reach out

  9. CSM - The ticket has been escalated to our Customer Success Team who will reach out

  10. Tech Support - The issue has been escalated to RTA’s Tech Support Team

  11. Waiting on Development - The issue has been submitted as a bug to RTA’s Development Team and is waiting for fixes

  12. Limited Research Time - The issue is being researched deeper by RTA’s Support Team for an answer

Closed Request Statuses

 View Closed Request Statuses
  1. Resolved - The issue has been properly handled and resolved

  2. Closed - The ticket has been closed either by customer request or by the customer support agent (likely as a duplicate ticket)

  3. Customer Inactivity - The ticket has been in Waiting For Customer after the initial Follow Up for more than 2 weeks and the ticket will be closed