Warranty Claims File Claim Data Tab
Three separate panels will display within the Claim Data Tab. Each one is described below. Editable fields can be edited by clicking in the field, changing the data, and clicking the checkmark to save the changes.
Claim Data Panel
Field | Description/Use | Editable |
Purchase Order # | The purchase order number which comes from the part component record. | Yes |
Line # | The line number associated with the Purchase Order number. | Yes |
Asset | The asset number where the part was installed or the OEM is attached to | No |
Received On | The date the purchase order line number was received | No |
Part # | The file part number for the warrantied part that the claim is for | No |
Original WO # | Provides the work order number associated with the original part posting that is being warrantied. (This is blank when it is an OEM) | No |
Line # | The line number from the original work order associated with the original part posting that is being warrantied. | No |
Install Date | Date of the original part install and comes from the original work order where the part was first posted | No |
Install Meter | Meter reading for the asset at the time of the original part install and comes from the original work order where the part was first posted | No |
Part VMRS | The part VMRS code associated with the warrantied part | No |
Current WO # | Provides the work order number associated with the new work order for the warrantied replacement | This is only editable when it is a LABOR type claim |
Line # | Line number for the work order associated with the current work order number. | No |
Replace Date | Date of the current work order part posting | No |
Replace Meter | Meter reading of the asset at the time of the replace date | No |
Settlement Panel
The settlement panel details information regarding the submission and credit received cycles of the claims process.
Field | Description/Use | Editable |
Part # | Mirrors the warrantied part number from the Claims Data Panel | No |
Posted WO # | Mirrors the Current WO# from the Claims Data Panel | No |
Line # | Mirrors the work order line number from the current work order number information in the Claims Data Panel | No |
Submitted By | User that submitted the claim tot he vendor (changed the status of the claim to submitted) | No |
Vendor Part # | Cross-reference number or specific vendor part number if applicable | No |
Check # | Check number associated with the credit if a check was received | Yes |
Received By | User that received the credit (changed the status of the claim to received) | No |
Submitted On | Date the claim status was changed to submitted | No |
Received On | Date the claim status was changed to received | No |
Posted On | Date the claim status was changed to posted | No |
Receipt and Invoice Panel
Attachments allow users to place documents and photos into the file directly which can be accessed at any time.
This panel will display the receipt and invoice attachments added to the claims file. These can be uploaded directly into this panel or through the attachments tab of the file.
Only one invoice and one receipt can be uploaded per claim. Once a file is attached to either of these items, the upload button will be disabled.